
HFS Digital Roundtable
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CFO Vision 2025: Driving growth now and in the future

September 29th, 2021
10am-1pm ET / 3pm-6pm GMT 

Future-ready CFOs are shaking off the constraints of uncertainty to firmly focus their businesses on innovation and growth. Moving beyond cash flow strategies to build resilience, the bold new face of finance is accelerating its use of automation, artificial intelligence, and advanced analytics. Sharing predictive insights, it’s helping its business get closer to customers, employees, and suppliers, find new channels for growth, and deepen its brand loyalty and reputation.

 The 2025 growth agenda centers around five key themes:

  1. Advanced analytics to achieve deeper intelligence, more accurate and agile planning, and faster, better decision-making
  2. Agile operating models and automation to enable early value realization of carve outs and growth acquisitions
  3. Connected ecosystems to break down silos and foster internal and external collaborations that unlock new opportunities
  4. Cash flow management to maximize re-investment back into the business and fund growth initiatives
  5. Ethical and social actions that build brand reputation and still benefit the bottom line

Is your finance team ready to become a catalyst for change? Join senior F&A leaders in this exclusive HFS roundtable and together we can get ready for a future of growth.

Open Conversation. HFS Roundtables encourage open conversation, collaboration and exploration. They promote practical education and professional development.
Different Expert Opinions. It is easy to go to your same network inside and out of your own organization for brainstorming. A virtual roundtable allows you to meet minds from far outside your personal network to off bounce ideas off of and share your struggles and top-of-mind issues.
Exclusivity. These virtual meetings are open to senior enterprise executives only so you will be in excellent company.

Apply today!

Who is eligible?

In an effort to keep these events high-level, intimate and private, HFS Digital Roundtables are open to enterprise buyer senior executives only. Only 18 executives max will be accepted to the event, but there will be a waitlist and if a spot opens up, we will contact the next person on the list immediately.